Kerala Entrance Rank Predictor is a tool for KEAM 2018 Students to calculate KEAM rank in Kerala Engineering Entrance. Over 10,00,000+ students have liked our rank predictor. The Rank Predictor is simple and reliable. KEAM rank predictor is made innovative as possible.Students can Check your KEAM Rank from here... 

Check KEAM 2019 Rank Predictor
Enter your Keam marks    :        out of 960

Select your +2 stream       :     
Enter marks in Physics                :         out of 120

Enter marks in Chemistry           :         out of 120

Enter marks in Mathematics      :         out of 100
Your KEAM score will be

Your KEAM rank will be

Check KEAM 2017 Pattern too..

Predicts Which Colleges you can get in keam

BY                 Students
                     Government Engineering College Thrissur

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  1. Will plus one marks be added in keam ? How about in jee exam ?

    1. Plus one mark will not be considered for Keam

    2. Plus 1 marks won't be considered in KEAM.
      Neither plus one nor plus two will be considered for JEE(Main).

  2. What do the Abbreviations mean?

  3. keam 2018 was hard, and i got around 450 in keam and pcm 80 in isc what are my chances?

  4. I have 569 in KEAM and am expecting 94% in ISC boards.
    Which all colleges can i get into in CS?

    1. My mark is also same...Ash r u sure abt wat u r saying??

  5. I am expecting keam rank about 6500 i belong to General category will i get an admission in govt college for cs

  6. I got 149 marks for keam and expecting 80 for phy 70 for Chem and 65 for maths. Im in icse syllabus and have obc reservation. The predictor shows 46337 rank. Which is the best college that i would get?

  7. I got 380 marks in keam and expecting 96 for phy 93 for chemistry and 99 for maths in cbse i am in general category
    Can I get in CET trivandrum cs branch

  8. Cusat or nss palakkad is better

  9. I got 606.7 arks in keam and expecting 98% in board.Can I get a rank Below 500
    As this Year pc is a little tough as previous years?

  10. sir i got 11.8947 in keam and i have 75/120 in phy 90/120 in chem & 61/100 in maths and i have reservation in sc category did i get admission in any collage what will be my rank ???

  11. my keam score is 210. and my state board score is 98%. will i get admission in govt engg colleges?? and which branches in order i will get??

  12. My keam score is 300.And have 332 out of 340 in hse.will i get admission in govt engineering colleges??which are they?

  13. sir iam getting 405.8 in keam and 105,113,100 in pcm .I am kerala state syllabus can i get gec thrissur mechanical

  14. hi sir, thanx for lovely article, has keam released this year counselling date.

  15. Sir I have only 268 for keam and 95% for physics,chemistry and maths (CBSE) I also belong to LA community will I get admission in CET,SCT or Barton Hills.
    I prefer CS or ME.I am from Kottayam but currently staying in trivandrum.
    Please Reply?

  16. Sir I got 166 in keam got 340 out-of 340 in hse belongs to general category.Is there any chance of getting EEE in any govt colleges please reply

  17. My keam score is 313 and i got 94% in state.will I get admission in good self financing colleges

  18. Got 251 in Keam and 93 in PCM (CBSE). IS there any chance of getting govt colleges

  19. iam getting 634 marks in keam 2018 and i have studied under cbse phy 95 chem 95 and maths87 will i get computer science seats in good government colleges ??

  20. i got 64.1053 marks in entrance & 106 for physics,104 for chemistry,90 for maths. My rank prediction was 36407.Will i get admission in better collages for civil

  21. How much should i score in keam 2019 to secure rank within 5000 if my 12th PCM is 70% CBSE

  22. i have 105 mark in keam and 88% cbse exam will get admission in any of eng college

  23. i have 390 in keam and 286/300 in pcm for cbse will i get gec tcr

  24. Why there is a great f
    Difference in 2018 and 2019rank

  25. I got 273 marks in keam and have 95% in pcm(cbse) .what rank will I get.?

  26. I got 245/960 in keam and 89.3% for pcm in cbse. Will I get a govt college for cs?

  27. My keam 2021 is expected to be 73 mark. PCM is 339.Will I get admission in government coleeges
